About Blimpworks

We build all types of blimps and balloons for all tpyes of clients around the world.

It all starts with your idea and our experience, scribbled on a napkin if you like. Our artists will take that idea and put together a rendering
that gives you a visual concept of what your new blimp will look like.
This is where it all begins.
From the rendering, our design team puts together a computer 3D visual model showing every piece of material and where it goes in and outside of your new blimp.
Your blimp is now starting to take shape!
It’s Simple!! We build the BEST NYLON Blimp, front to back, top to bottom, on the “WHOLE PLANET”. Yes, I said on the “WHOLE PLANET”! Our skilled team will build your blimp from our proprietary three-ply, rip stop nylon material, heat seal the seams, and test for helium loss. From there, we blend the dynamic design to the hi-tech electronic flight package. Now your eye-catching show piece is almost ready to fly.

Now our graphic artists will make some magic with some amazing attention to detail, spectacular hand painting, and digitally printed banners, to bring your new blimp to life.
You and your sponsor will quickly understand why we are rewarded with repeat business. Your blimp is quickly coming to life.

Anything you put your name on should be as good as your own reputation. Our products are proven performers and profit builders, logging hundreds of thousands of successful flights worldwide. With quality construction and system redundancy to ensure safety and flawless flying, you may be assured our airships will proudly represent you and your sponsors. Added value through spectacular artwork and special features, including our selective drop device, unparalleled service, and a long life, makes Blimpworks your first choice for RC Airships and inflatables. Now, it is Fasten your seat belts and ENJOY YOUR FLIGHT!